Cited Resources

Black, Henry Cambell, M. A.; Black’s Law Dictionary, 5th edition by publisher’s editorial staff, 1979, West Publishing Co., St. Paul, Minnesota.

Duncan, J. Ligon, III; "Moses’ Law for Modern Government: The Intellectual and Sociological Origins of the Christian Reconstructionist Movement", 1994, "A paper presented to the Social Science History Association, Atlanta, Georgia, USA", October 15, 1994. — URL: http://​​recon_Duncan.html.

Evers, Williamson M.; "Toward a Reformulation of the Law of Contracts", Vol. 1, No. 1. pp. 3-13, Journal of Libertarian Studies, Murray N. Rothbard, ed., Pergamon Press, 1977. — URL: http://​​journals/​jls/​1_1/1_1_2.pdf.

______, "Social Contract: A Critique", Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 185-194, Journal of Libertarian Studies, Murray N. Rothbard, ed., Pergamon Press, 1977. — URL: http://​​journals/​jls/​1_3/​1_3_3.pdf.



Porter, Charles R.; Hermeneutical Prologue for Discovering Basic Jurisdictional Principles; 2019; Jural Society Press; Eden Prairie, Minnesota. — URL: http://​

______, Theodicy: Science, Bible, & Law; 2nd ed., 2015; Jural Society Press; Eden Prairie, Minnesota. — URL: http://​

______, Basic Jurisdictional Principles: Theological Inventory of American Jurisprudence, 2006; Jural Society Press; Eden Prairie, Minnesota. — URL: http://​

______, A Memorandum of Law & Fact Regarding Natural Personhood, 2014; Jural Society Press; Eden Prairie, Minnesota. — URL: http://​

Rothbard, Murray N.; The Ethics of Liberty, 1998, 2002, New York University Press, New York, New York. — URL: http://​​rothbard/​ethics/​ethics.asp.

Spooner, Lysander; Poverty: Its Illegal Causes (in Vol. 5 of Charles Shively, ed., The Collected Works of Lysander Spooner, Weston, Mass: M S Press, 1971).


